This past week I watched an episode of John Stossel where he clearly and persuasively debunked the phony “war on women” liberals fomented in 2012 out of thin air, a problem that of course only Democrats in government can solve. In a segment on Obamacare, one of his guests was Obama apologist extraordinaire Jehmu Greene, whose love for government programs is only eclipsed by her juvenile infatuation with Barack Obama. In this segment, Jehmu was pitted against Heather Higgins, a thoughtful, logical conservative woman who is the president of Independent Women’s Voice and sees the “war on women” as nothing more than a false Democratic campaign strategy. This provided an excellent opportunity to see how liberals think and to marvel at just how thoughtless and disrespectful of the truth they are. Truth has become a regular victim of liberal logic, as they refuse to allow logic or truth to rebut an argument they are making for some particular cause. Unfortunately, roughly 40% of the population is liberal or liberal leaning so this does not bode well for the future of America. When truth is no longer held as something of value, how can there be a future?
According to Jehmu, Democrats ended sexual discrimination in health insurance with Obamacare, while Stossel sees Obamacare as nothing more than misguided government mandated equality. Like Obama, Jehmu argues that prior to Obamacare healthcare companies were intentionally discriminating against women by needlessly charging women more for insurance than men. She tried to argue that women don’t go to the doctor more than men, but Stossel cited a Center for Disease Control (CDC) report stating that even when excluding for pregnancy, women were 33% more likely to visit a doctor for healthcare. This simple fact was not going to get in Jehmu’s way, so she asked Stossel if he wanted to live in a country where women are charged more than men for healthcare. Of course, this is wholly beside the point and was meant to put Stossel on the defensive without her having to address the facts. This is just one of her tactics. Stossel rebutted that women pay less for car insurance since they don’t have as many accidents, and pay less for life insurance since they live longer. Jehmu still wouldn’t budge, countering with a phony and irrelevant charge that the gap is closing in both cases. She finally admits she has no problem with women paying less, which is the first honest remark thus far.
Higgins attempted to school Jehmu on basic economics by explaining that prices exist as a mechanism for reflecting a certain reality (something with which Jehmu clearly has very little connection). How much demand, how much need, and how much expense determines prices. Pricing for insurance is based on what it is going to cost the insurance company to insure a given person based on statistics germane to any given person’s risk profile. Higgins challenges Jehmu’s logic by saying that perhaps she wants women to pay more for insurance for young males so they can pay less. Jehmu, having no reasoned rebuttal, out of left field conjures up the argument that car insurance has nothing to do with the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness. Of course, this wasn’t even under discussion. Higgins then parries that Jehmu wants to stick men with additional costs for healthcare, but doesn’t want parity in car and life insurance. With little credibility left in this exchange, Jehmu asks why Higgins, who is an advocate for women, is now a spokeswoman for why men are being so screwed by the health insurance program. A complete falsehood, but the ad hominem attack was the last arrow Jehmu had in her quiver. She was completely outgunned by the intellect of Higgins. And it’s not to say that Jehmu doesn’t have intellect. Like Obama, she has adopted such a poor social, economic and political philosophy that it makes it impossible for her to come up with solutions that don’t call for more and bigger government imposing itself even more on the American people, trying to solve problems that it simply can’t.
I must admit it was very hard to watch Jehmu Greene, particularly with her being a black woman. Between her, Richard Fowler, and Alexis McGill Johnson, all black liberal Fox News contributors, I don’t know who embarrasses me more. At a time when we need real solutions for black America to lift families out of poverty, these otherwise very smart people fully and completely toe the utterly destructive Democratic line on virtually every single issue. I will point you to a recent article from American Thinker that cites chilling statistics from the 2012 Census report:
While 20.5% of White and 27.9% of Asian households receive some form of means-tested benefits, 50.9% of Black households and 53.3% of Hispanic households receive welfare assistance. The figure for Hispanic households should dispel any notions that the Republican Party will gain any advantage from immigration reforms that increase the size of this voting bloc. Communities with a high dependence on welfare will vote for the party that promises to keep the benefits flowing. There is a reason every Democrat in Congress supports comprehensive immigration reform that would open a path to the voting booth to those who came into the country illegally.
I could not have said it better. Every major urban area is run by Democrats, where blacks tend to concentrate in very large numbers. And that is why we see the numbers above. Greene, Fowler, and Johnson all refuse to acknowledge that the party they shill for has any responsibility in the matter, when the correlation is crystal clear. When it comes to promoting economic and educational opportunity for black families that conservatives are calling for, these people are on the other team and continue to promote government dependence for their own people. It is shameful that these people who think they are such do gooders aren’t doing anyone a bit of good.
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