The LGBT Movement and the Pursuit of Ends

by walterm on June 26, 2013

The problem, in my view, with the LGBT movement is not that they have a particular view they are advocating for, but the manner in which they pursue it. Regardless of whether I agree with their ends, which I don’t, I could at least respect them if they didn’t have to demonize the church or anyone else that doesn’t agree with them. There is something to be said for being gracious when you’re fighting for a cause, and the LGBT movement scores a big goose egg in that department.  The odd thing is that they make a moral argument to justify their ends, while rejecting any contrary moral arguments. We see this clearly in that they constantly denigrate Christian values, while saying that their values are superior. But how can they do this? They say their values are “progressive” values that have evolved over time culturally, but what exactly are progressive values? On what are they based? Christian values are based on thousands of years of history and observation of natural law, and were validated by the resurrection of Christ. Now many may argue that they don’t believe Christ resurrected, but they cannot argue the historical accuracy of Christianity, and they cannot deny that Christian values, when properly applied, promote love, patience, hope, perseverance, and tolerance of others with whom they disagree. So while the Christian has a set of timeless principles to work from, the LGBT movement has no objective basis on which to moralize. So why should anyone listen to them? Demonizing those who disagree with you and seeking government to force people to accept your point of view is hardly a sustainable moral ethic.

I know the rejoinder from someone in the LGBT community will be that Christians are filled with hate and discriminate against gays. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. Christians are called to love and accept all human beings, and simply see the gay lifestyle as being one of many different sinful lifestyles. But Christians don’t seek to ban gays from living their chosen lifestyles, and don’t see their sin as any worse than premarital sex amongst heterosexual couples or adultery. These are all forms of sexual sin and I don’t see any Christians clamoring for laws that prevent consenting adults from entering into whatever relationships they wish to enter, even if they are wrong (which they obviously are in the case of adultery). They say that Christians are against “gay rights.” But Christians are not against “gay rights.” This is because “gay rights” are not any different from the rights of any other human being. We all have the same rights in this country by virtue of being human. So I don’t see anything special about being gay. If you’re gay, then you’re a human, and it doesn’t make you any different than anyone else. The LGBT movement would have us believe gays are somehow different and special, but I don’t see how they can rationally justify that. Being gay has no affect on one’s ability to get a job, love who they want, or live the life of their choosing. There simply is no broad or systematic discrimination today against gays any more than there is against blacks.

Now will there be people that don’t like gays, or don’t like blacks? Of course. But with 300 million people in this country, there is irrational dislike of an infinite number of things and it is no crime. The point I’m making is that there is nothing keeping gays or anyone else from living their lives and pursuing their dreams unfettered. And it is the same for blacks, who definitely did not have the opportunity to pursue their dreams unfettered even 50 years ago. Thankfully, that has changed. But now we will get to the subject at hand, which is the methods by which the LGBT movement wishes to pursue same-sex marriage and a host of other things such as the extinction of the notion of gender, and the pursuit of same-sex parenting. Though I do not agree with same-sex marriage and all of the things that necessarily go along with it, what I find most appalling is the lengths the LGBT movement will go through to get what it wants. They won’t simply argue that there is a moral imperative for same-sex marriage. They actually have to destroy those who disagree with them. The LGBT movement has basically said that if you don’t agree with same-sex marriage,  you are discriminating against them and you are necessarily a bigot or homophobe. In other words, you’re not possibly a bigot or homophobe, you are one. And you are also a “hater.” There are no other possibilities. So they are doing two things: 1) making a moral argument for same-sex marriage by saying that the traditional definition is discriminatory, and 2) making the case that Christian morals are bad and theirs are good. They reason to this conclusion without any supporting premises that logically conclude such.

If the same-sex marriage debate and other LGBT initiatives are won, a distinct pattern of social change will be set. The pattern will be that if a given movement wants to win, it doesn’t matter how it conducts itself in winning as long as it gets to the end goal. Deriding and marginalizing those who disagree, for whatever reasons, is fair game. And some in the LGBT movement have gone so far as to say those who have moral opposition to them shouldn’t be allowed to voice it. We saw that in Colorado, and the ultimate results of this movement as it gains steam is not good for anyone involved. First, we will all experience a loss of religious freedom. The LGBT movement has made it clear in particular that it doesn’t like Christians or their moral code, so as as the LGBT agenda is pushed, they will have government declare any church speaking against their agenda as promulgating hate speech, and will make sure churches and businesses cannot deny homosexual couples of wedding services lest that be discriminatory, as is the case in Denmark. Second, their will be loss of individual liberty. Your constitutionally protected right to free speech will be curtailed when you speak out against homosexuality or same-sex marriage since it will again be considered hate speech. Finally, there will be loss of parental rights. The LGBT movement is active in pushing its views on children even at the kindergarten level, and parents are often left out of the equation or powerless to stop what their children will be taught about sex because the schools are forcing the LGBT view into the curriculum. So people who don’t see where this is going, or think same-sex marriage will be of no consequence are deluded. The very methods of the LGBT movement should tell anyone that if this agenda were something good, there would be no need to take away the freedom of others in order to achieve its goals.


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