So today NBA basketball player Jason Collins became the first active male player in American professional sports to come out as gay. Media people were tripping over themselves calling his move courageous, strong, and some identified him as a leader. Some are even calling it historical. Well it’s not courageous, it doesn’t make him a “leader,” and it isn’t even historical because it’s not news and I don’t think anyone other than the media really cares. I certainly don’t because his sex life is his business, not mine. I recall when Anderson Cooper “came out” as if his being gay were some deep dark secret that he had to keep to himself. Well when he did, no one was surprised and no one gave a damn other than the media and some celebrities. There is simply nothing special nor newsworthy about being gay. It’s about as newsworthy as one of Collins’ heterosexual teammates coming out and saying “I’m sleeping with lots of women out of wedlock!” In our society, being gay is nothing of consequence. Gays are not discriminated against in any manner and live their lives just like anyone else. So all I think we learned today is just how puerile the mainstream media is. They have this juvenile fascination with sex just like kids who finally discover their sex organs have some purpose other than relieving themselves in the bathroom. And that just shows you how inane and vacuous is the thought in the media today. They’re more concerned about Obama’s six-pack and Jason Collins sexuality than they are about what happened in Benghazi or why our economy continues to stay stubbornly stuck with high unemployment, record numbers of people on food stamps, and a record number of people on public assistance. The fact that these things aren’t news to the media shows you where their priorities lie.
Its hard for me to understand why the media is so focused and obsessed on everything sexual. They always like to talk about how conservatives are repressed and want to get into people’s bedrooms, yet they are always the ones to bring the subject of sex up, create phony campaigns such as the Republican “war on women,” and clamor for free birth control from the very government they want to stay outside the bedroom (except for when they want the government to enter the bedroom, so go and figure that logic). It is the liberal media that is always chasing around celebrities, digging into their private lives so they can sell the “latest” scoop on who drop kicked who or who slept with who or who is gay, lesbian, or gender confused. Sober adults who are not repressed don’t share in such idiotic and empty-headed pursuits because they just don’t feel other people’s sex lives are any of their business or even should be their business. But back to Collins, I sure hope he doesn’t feel the liberal media has done him any favors. He’s the story of the day and they will move on to the next “sensational” story that will be just as dull unimportant as this one. Mature people don’t care and only wish the best for Collins regardless his sexuality. As a Christian, my concern is for Jason Collins’ soul, and I hope this newly found notoriety does not cause him to further stumble because the media has become his cheerleader. If he is a Christian, then he knows that the Bible is abundantly clear on homosexuality and that practicing such a lifestyle is wrong. It is certainly not a heinous sin, but is on par with promiscuous lifestyles and adultery. Yet it is sin nonetheless, and Collins would best deal with his sin as the rest of us must contend with our own. If he follows the lead of the liberal media in terms of what they find praiseworthy then he has, sadly, been truly deceived.
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